Buonasera ragazzi! Da pochi giorni ho appreso la notizia che avete iniziato a cucinare anche le rom in versione stabile, quelle che mi interessano. Volevo capire se le vostre rom sono di fatto una China stabile tradotta a puntino (e altre modifiche/ottimizzazioni?) oppure una Xiaomi.eu con solo italiano (e altre modifiche/ottimizzazioni?)? Questo perché nel forum Xiaomi.eu c'è una lista ben precisa di ciò che differenzia la loro rom rispetto alle China ufficiali, e sono curioso di conoscere qualcosa di più riguardo la vostra.
Our ROMs features (Whats not in Global):
- Based on China Stable / Weekly builds (except HMNote3SE)
- Enabled search gesture (swipe up) on the desktop
- Enabled MiDrive in File Explorer
- Added landscape mode for SMS app
- Sunrise/Sunset in the weather app
- Google apps support integrated
- Importing theme from zhuti.xiaomi.com via ThemeManager
- No useless Chinese bloatware apps
- More free RAM due to less background processes
- Unified flat style app icons for both system and 3rd party apps (eg. Play Store icon flat too, unlike official global MIUI)
- Advanced menu with color icons (not just text like in official MIUI releases)
- No any Chinese character under the full system
- Mi Video, Mi Music, Mi Radio, Mi Browser: No any useless Chinese content
- No possibility to re-lock bootloader accidentally with flash any xiaomi.eu release
- Added real 27 languages translation made by Official MIUI Fansites and MIUI Fans
- Added EU T9 dialer support
- Added charging sound switch
- Added Spell Checker switch
- Added Screen-OFF animation
- Optimized GPS settings for EU
- Optimized Battery consumption
- Optimized RAM consumption
- Added OIS auto-calibration for MI5
- Added 4k Video support for MI4C, MI4S, HMNote3Pro, HMNote3SE, HMNote4X
- Added 3D Touch to MI5S 3GB RAM version
- Added GSMalphabet into SMS app
- Added more icons grid layout 4x5, 4x6, 5x5, 5x6
- Added Toggles 5x3 layout
- SafetyNet passed (Android Pay)
- Play Store Certified
- Deodexed
- Added automated tasks
- Added game speed booster
- Added erase module (magic elimination) to Gallery photo edit options
- Fixed low volume sound via headphone
- Fixed Google assistant voice response issue
- And more, and more made by our 5 years MIUI mods experience.
Ultima modifica: