Rilasciata MIUI 1.12.30, changelog completo

Da Redazione

Con l’uscita di MIUI 1.12.30 siamo arrivati all’ultima release anche per questo 2011, un anno davvero ricco di novità, miglioramenti e tante versioni di questa ROM che sta continuando a conquistare gli appassionati di Android. Il recente passaggio alla nuova base Ice Cream Sandwich sta ancora procedendo a rilento, sia perchè per adesso vi è un solo terminale supportato dalla nuova versione, sia perchè ci sono stati grossi problemi tecnici nella realizzazione del relativo Italian Pack.

Infatti siamo attualmente al lavoro per risolvere questi inconvenienti che, come recentemente abbiamo scoperto, derivano in gran parte da problemi degli strumenti utilizzati, i quali necessitano di una nuova calibratura (che deve essere fatta a monte, dagli sviluppatori dei tools) per poter funzionare ottimamente con le nuove versioni degli apk basati su ICS. Teniamo quindi a rassicurare i possessori di Nexus S (unico device che attualmente utilizza MIUI 4.0) perchè le problematiche sono in fase di risoluzione ed al più presto si potranno godere MIUI Ice Cream sandwich sul proprio terminale.

Sempre a proposito dello sviluppo di MIUI ICS ricordiamo che il prossimo device che riceverà l’aggiornamento sarà MI-ONE (di nuovo in vendita a partire dal 4 Gennaio), mentre ancoranon si hanno notizie certe su quali saranno i successivi smartphone che beneficeranno dell’update in questione.  Per tutte le news in tempo reale su MIUI e Xiaomi MI-ONE potete seguirci anche qui:

MIUI Italia



Xiaomi Italia



Adesso lasciamo spazio ai changelog, che questa settimana saranno divisi in Changelog MIUI 1.12.30 (base 2.3), Changelog MIUI 1.12.30 (base 4.0, solo Nexus S) e Changelog MIUI 1.12.30 (base 2.3, solo MI-ONE).

Changelog MIUI 1.12.30 (base 2.3)

– Press the home button repair, exhaled recent duplication of the task icon

– Click on the desktop weather gadget repair a city name, do not get the latest weather data issues
– Repair in some cases updated weather data, date the wrong question

Changelog MIUI 1.12.30 (base 4.0, only Nexus S)

Recommended this week:
– Send new messages regularly
– Added support for full-screen mode drop-down notification bar
– New MIUI application supermarkets, tape recorder, notes

– New Growth Press the back key to clear the current application process

– Add call interface supports display a small picture
– Search results support the new T9 dialing to enter edit mode, press
– New call interface supports display contact Company Name
– Add call record and call interface supports display SP picture
– Optimize the call hang up tips to enhance
– Optimization to the service when the phone call, if not save the number as a contact, the system automatically displays the service numbers identify the name and logo
– Repair in some cases multi-way call, the call interface is not displaying the right questions

– New support group set the tone and volume bulk SMS
– Optimize the contact record call history page click on call support
– Repair A ~ Z search results quickly scroll bar does not go away

– Send new messages regularly
– Recommended new text added to holiday Refresh button
– Optimize the batch selection mode
– Fix the problem batch deletes FC
– Click on the slide repair attachment problems lead to FC
– Repair Click to send SMS failure notification leading to new problems
– SMS Contact unavailable repair problems
– Fix some cases the new message screen, select the device from the selected contacts will not appear in the input box problem

Lockscreen, status bar, notification board:
– Added support for full-screen mode drop-down notification bar
– New from the notification bar to set the USB default connection type
– Repair the lock screen does not display operators to information
– Repair call change the theme, the green status bar of the problem will disappear
– In some cases repair, custom notification bar switch can not sort the problem
– Repair the drop-down notification bar in the status bar says “more” icon does not hide the problem

– Added support for drag and drop icons within the folder sorting
– Custom widget size optimization support (need to support their own custom widget)
– Some cases, repair will be set dynamically FC wallpaper problem

– Additional support from the SD card into the local theme
– Repair in some cases applying a theme issue will be FC
– Repair the problem can not be loaded online theme

– Added support for data backup notes
– Added support for backup Gmail, Exchange, millet account

File Manager:
– Open repair in some cases led to the directory containing the APK file FC problems

Download Management:
– Optimization can directly be opened directly from the Download Manager to download the theme package

– Site optimized address bar icon display

– New MIUI recorder

– New MIUI notes

Changelog MIUI 1.12.30 (base 2.3, only MI-ONE)

– New (2.3.5h) update to the latest stable version MIUI
– Change the system time to optimize the power-saving strategy for low power
– Repair (2.3.5g) to avoid false triggering into the burn-in mode
– Repair (2.3.5g) to further remove the touch screen jitter
– Repair damaged or not inserted MicroSD card good cause the system not responding problem

– Repair (2.3.5h) folder icons disappear after update problem
– Repair tasks in the near future under certain circumstances duplicate icon problem

– Optimized and improved automatic white balance stability, optimize Garma curve and color correction to enhance the imaging camera

– Optimization (2.3.5h) lyrics plugin update mechanism to increase the source of the lyrics
– Repair manual repair online music lyrics search the bug when FC

– Optimization (2.3.5h) repeated prompts to download the file
– Optimization (2.3.5h) to jump from third-party applications to the browser, press the Back key to return to the application

FM Radio:
– Repair (2.3.5h) switch button followed by pressing the FM button to pop the question
– Repair (2.3.5h) without the use of radio music, media keys respond to the wrong question

– Repair (2.3.5h) camera shutter sound to stop the problem leading to FM

– New (2.3.5h) support wap push MMS intercept

LED lights:
– Repair (2.3.5g) so long LED lamp lighting (such as charging light) and a blinking light (such as a text message notification) is no longer mixing

– SIM card restoration application of the prohibition of forced closure, the SIM card applications may not start

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3 commenti
  • Ragazzi, ho notato che sul sito ufficiale c’è la possibilità di installare l’aggiornamento senza scaricare il file da 92 mb ma scaricandone uno da 2 non si potrebbe fare cosa simile?

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