Rilasciata MIUI 2.3.30, changelog completo

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Anche questo venerdì troviamo una nuova versione Developer di questa grande ROM, è stata infatti rilasciata da poco MIUI 2.3.30, aggiornamento settimanale che, come sempre, porta novità, bugfix e cambiamenti. Oltre alle novità dei changelog questa settimana debutta la versione MIU IV4 dedicata ad un nuovo terminale, il Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S.

Uno dei bug principali della versione 2.3.23 che interessava la ROM per Galaxy S 2 è stato risolto, stiamo parlando del doppio invio degli SMS. potrete vedere gli altri miglioramenti ed i bugfix apportati a questa nuova 2.3.3o nei changelog qui sotto. Il testing per la realizzazione dei nostri Italian Pack sta procedendo senza sosta, questa settimana dovremmo essere in grado di rilasciare anche la versione per Galaxy Nexus.

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Adesso passiamoa i changelog di questa settimana pubblicati su

MIUI 2.3.30 (Android 4.0)

[Recommended this week]
– New stopwatch
– New merged contacts (see Contact Settings -> Merge duplicate contacts)
– Add music to support flac format
– New AF at the target does not move

– Optimization of the recent task pane at the bottom of the operating section of clickable area to solve the problem of false clicks
– Optimization into the telecommunications card to display the UIM insert Unicom card USIM
– Fix some cases can not ROOT
– Repair the global search led to the FC
– Repair screen vertex does not display rounded corners, the status bar interface to display the error
– Repair Ali Want login screen to enter the account password after the FC
– Repair clear set of data lead to not show the lock screen, desktop no response
– Repair MoboPlayer playback, press the return key FC

– Optimizing the efficiency of the T9 dial-up search
– Optimize the phone records show efficiency
– To repair the first dial-up and click interface when the Contact Avatar rapid panel flashing problem

– Add call record to support the deletion of a single
– New merged contacts (see Contact Settings -> Merge Contacts)
– Optimize the import efficiency of the contact
– Optimize the search result style
– Optimize the group portrait mode
– To repair an Exchange server-side contact can not call

[Lockscreen, status bar, notification bar]
– Add support click on the notification bar switch away directly after the notification bar (subject to Settings -> All settings -> notification bar style open click away notification bar switch)
– Optimize the efficiency of the status bar drawing
– Optimize the input text, not in the status bar is displayed to the right of the input method icon
– Repair power icon shows abnormal
– Repair telecommunications version of the the millet phone signal shows the wrong problem
– Fix some cases be mistaken for hidden notification icon
– Fix some cases the problem can not enter the PUK code
– Repair the lock screen display owner information is not in force
– Fix the default lock screen, music title and message preview shows the overlap
– Repair notification bar the use of “simple” mode switch, click the blank space to respond to a click
– Repair set the status bar style may lead to the FC
– Repair the problem to light up the screen, press the Desktop button may mistakenly opened the flashlight
– Repair the default time is not displayed on the lock screen update problem

– Continuous cross-screen, you can optimize drag the icon to the edge of the screen to stay
– Optimize the use of new graphics to improve the speed
– Drag to adjust the file folder icon order is fixed, horizontal sliding switches the screen

– Fix some cases, apply a theme may be jammed
– Repair change the theme, the lock screen part is not in force

– New shutter mute (system mute shutter mute, you can also press the volume keys to adjust the shutter in the camera interface volume)
– New panorama mode, supports the use of the m key camera
– Optimize the details of the camera interface
– Repair of third-party applications call system camera, the camera results page to display the operation of the camera
– Repair in the password lock screen to activate the camera led to the FC
– Fix focus at the interface of flashing

– Add support to display the picture in the phone’s internal storage and Atlas
– New non-SD card can be used Gallery
– The other there are the same directory of the source file, automatic optimization of image editing or cropping
– Optimize the multiple choice mode style of font, icon, etc.
– Fix SD card to clear the cache, can not generate a new cache
– Repair the multiple choice mode is not selected the file, the bottom action bar was still able to click
– Fix memory leak in part of the picture thumbnails and FC
– Repair turn off the gravity sensor, photos, details will still with the screen rotation, rotation
– Repair the high pixel density on the phone, pictures, and Atlas thumbnails are too small
– Repair cutting contacts Avatar unsuccessful
– Repair from the File Manager to open a larger view point back to lead FC

– Added support for flac format
– Repair download music some cases lead to the FC
– Repair online songs to add to the problem of failure in the current playlist

– Optimize the commonly used settings in “flight mode”, the GPS satellite, the operation of the “auto rotate the screen to modify for the switching operation
– Optimize the common set of complex operations pop modify the order to enter the lower page operations, such as “volume”, “brightness”
– Optimization settings -> memory to display a single USB storage
– Repair into the notification bar style “and” access point name (APN) “the screen goes black flashing
– Repair return to the previous level, cause the screen password “feature is turned off in the settings screen password protection to cancel
– Repair open the screen password protection, select the “pattern password visible” is not in force
– Repair to restrict access to the privacy protection can not set the password-protected

[File Manager]
– Repair without the SD card, system updates, install the update package lead FC
– Fix SD card to switch to Tab to lead FC
– Double-click the back button to fix some circumstances lead to the FC
– Fix some cases, classification can not click into the
– Repair without the SD card when the category page information display error

[Download Management]
– Add notice to remind the lack of SD card space, and display the corresponding information in the download list
– Repair install SD OTA update package and uninstall the SD card, delete the lead FC

– New night mode when browsing the web
– Optimized to enhance the default navigation page loading speed
– Optimize streamline the menu function
– Optimized at the bottom of the toolbar “new tab” function to replace the repetitive menu function
– Fix close tabs automatically slide to the first tab
– Repair the bottom of the tool bar state switching penetrate click
– Repair the visual details of the number of interface
– Repair open fast control function can not hide the toolbar at the bottom of the problem in full screen mode

[FM Radio]
Repair open the music, listening to the radio caller hang music recovery after interruption

[Access restrictions]
– Optimize the password-protected applications in the recent Task Manager panel does not display a preview

[Alarm clock]
– New stopwatch
– Optimize the alarm clock switch style
– Optimize the number of UI adjustment
– Repair alarm clock interface label for white
– Repair to add a clock interface background is not covered with the screen
– Repair set the “silent mode the alarm is invalid

MIUI 2.3.30 (Android 4.0, MI_ONE only)

[This week recommended]
– New stopwatch
– New merged contacts (see Contact Settings -> Merge duplicate contacts)
– Add music to support flac format
– New AF at the target does not move

– Optimization of the recent task pane at the bottom of the operating section of clickable area to solve the problem of false clicks
– Optimization into the telecommunications card to display the UIM insert Unicom card USIM
– Repair screen vertex does not display rounded corners, the status bar interface to display the error
– Repair Ali Want login screen to enter the account password after the FC
– Repair clear set of data lead to not show the lock screen, desktop no response
– Repair MoboPlayer playback, press the return key FC

– Optimizing the efficiency of the T9 dial-up search
– Optimize the phone records show efficiency
– To repair the first dial-up and click interface when the Contact Avatar rapid panel flashing problem

– Add call record to support the deletion of a single
– New merged contacts (see Contact Settings -> Merge Contacts)
– Optimize the import efficiency of the contact
– Optimize the search result style
– Optimize the group portrait mode
– To repair an Exchange server-side contact can not call

[Lockscreen, status bar, notification bar]
– Add support click on the notification bar switch away directly after the notification bar (subject to Settings -> All settings -> notification bar style open click away notification bar switch)
– Optimize the efficiency of the status bar drawing
– Optimize the input text, not in the status bar is displayed to the right of the input method icon
– Repair telecommunications version of the the millet phone signal shows the wrong problem
– Fix some cases be mistaken for hidden notification icon
– Fix some cases the problem can not enter the PUK code
– Repair the lock screen display owner information is not in force
– Fix the default lock screen, music title and message preview shows the overlap
– Repair notification bar the use of “simple” mode switch, click the blank space to respond to a click
– Repair set the status bar style may lead to the FC
– Repair the default time is not displayed on the lock screen update problem

– Continuous cross-screen, you can optimize drag the icon to the edge of the screen to stay
– Drag to adjust the file folder icon order is fixed, horizontal sliding switches the screen

– Fix some cases, apply a theme may be jammed
– Repair change the theme, the lock screen part is not in force

– New shutter mute (system mute shutter mute, you can also press the volume keys to adjust the shutter in the camera interface volume)
– New panorama mode, supports the use of the m key camera
– Optimize the details of the camera interface
– Repair of third-party applications call system camera, the camera results page to display the operation of the camera
– Repair in the password lock screen to activate the camera led to the FC
– Fix focus at the interface of flashing

– Add support to display the picture in the phone’s internal storage and Atlas
– New non-SD card can be used Gallery
– The other there are the same directory of the source file, automatic optimization of image editing or cropping
– Optimize the multiple choice mode style of font, icon, etc.
– Fix SD card to clear the cache, can not generate a new cache
– Repair the multiple choice mode is not selected the file, the bottom action bar was still able to click
– Fix memory leak in part of the picture thumbnails and FC
– Repair turn off the gravity sensor, photos, details will still with the screen rotation, rotation
-Repair the high pixel density on the phone, pictures, and Atlas thumbnails are too small
– Repair cutting contacts Avatar unsuccessful
– Repair from the File Manager to open a larger view point back to lead FC

– Added support for flac format
– Repair download music some cases lead to the FC
– Repair online songs to add to the problem of failure in the current playlist

– Optimize the commonly used settings in “flight mode”, the GPS satellite, the operation of the “auto rotate the screen to modify for the switching operation
– Optimize the common set of complex operations pop modify the order to enter the lower page operations, such as “volume”, “brightness”
– Repair into the notification bar style “and” access point name (APN) “the screen goes black flashing
– Repair return to the previous level, cause the screen password “feature is turned off in the settings screen password protection to cancel
– Repair open the screen password protection, select the “pattern password visible” is not in force

[File Manager]
– Repair without the SD card, system updates, install the update package lead FC
– Fix SD card to switch to Tab to lead FC
– Double-click the back button to fix some circumstances lead to the FC
– Fix some cases, classification can not click into the
– Repair without the SD card when the category page information display error

[Download Manager]
– Add notice to remind the lack of SD card space, and display the corresponding information in the download list
– Repair install SD OTA update package and uninstall the SD card, delete the lead FC

– New night mode when browsing the web
– Optimized to enhance the default navigation page loading speed
– Optimize streamline the menu function
– Optimized at the bottom of the toolbar “new tab” function to replace the repetitive menu function
– Fix close tabs automatically slide to the first tab
– Repair the bottom of the tool bar state switching penetrate click
– Repair the visual details of the number of interface
– Repair open fast control function can not hide the toolbar at the bottom of the problem in full screen mode

[FM Radio]
– Repair open the music, listening to the radio caller hang music recovery after interruption

[Access restrictions]
– Optimize the password-protected applications in the recent Task Manager panel does not display a preview

[Alarm clock]
– New stopwatch
– Optimize the alarm clock switch style
– Optimize the number of UI adjustment
– Repair set the “silent mode the alarm is invalid

Pubblicato su Nexus Lab

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26 commenti
  • Ciao sono affezionato alla tastiera Htc_Ime che è anche l’unica che uso peròad oggi e nonostante i continui aggiornamenti di questa bellissima rom non è ancora possibile utilizzarla a causa dei continui crash…possibile che non ci sia proprio nessuno riesca a risolvere questo bug? Buon Lavoro;)

        • Anche a me non funziona la Htc_Ime, cioè la istalla, e funziona, però se voglio inserire una parola suggerita dal T9 va in crash…per assurdo Disinserendo il T9 la tastiera funziona correttamente…secondo voi da cosa può dipendere?

  • Io non ho nessun crash sulla 2.3.23….
    probabilmente è causa della rom a cui provieni….provato a fare un deep clean?

    • Ciao la tastiera la istalla, e ci puoi scrivere le parole, va in crash quando vuoi sostituire la parola che hai scritto con il T9 con una di quelle suggerite in alternativa…per assurdo disinserendo il T9 la tstiera funzionerebbe perfettamente…secondo te da cosa può dipendere? questa anomalia me la presenta anche sulle rom ICS…Grazie

    • Ciao per esattezza la tasiera la istalla, ma quando la uso con il T9 e vado ad inserire una parola suggerita in automatico va in crash….per assurdo se Non usassi il T9 la tastiera funzionerebbe perfettamente….secondo voi da cosa dipende? Grazie

  • Un difetto che ho sempre notato in tutte le versioni di questa rom è che non si riesce ad ingrandire i caratteri nonostante la funzione sia presente nei settaggi…davvero strano che nessuno se ne sia accorto….

  • Ciao, non trovo il lenguage pack italiano per il nexus s (della 2.3.30)… sbaglio io o non c’è ancora?

  • Salve a tutti.. ma verranno mai rilasciate MIU IV4 per Galaxy S e soprattutto Desire HD? Grazie 🙂

  • Ciao a tutti, ieri ho eseguito l’aggiornamento sul mio HTC Desire passando dalla 2.3.7 alla 2.3.30 facendo un Full Wipe ma credo ci sia qualcosa che non va.. Graficamente non è cambiato nulla dalla 2.3.7 e, ad occhio e croce, neanche livello applicazione. In più nelle informazioni di sistema mi dice che la versione installata è la 2.3.7 e invece su miui dowloader mi dice che c’è la 2.3.30..
    Ho letto sul forum miui che anche altri hanno avuto lo stesso problema ma non c’è stata ancora risposta.. Voi avete qualche info?

    Grazie in anticipo!

  • ops… 😛 Hai ragione! La build è MIUI-2.3.30!!! Non ci avevo proprio fatto caso!!!

    Ma quindi la 2.3.30 per l’HTC Desire non è basata sulla android 4.0 come descritto nel changelog? 🙁

    • No, il changelog riporta le modifiche alla versione su base Android 4.0 ma i terminali supportati ufficialmente ad oggi sono Nexus S, Galaxy S 2, Sensation, Galaxy Nexus, MI-ONE, Arc S e Huawei Honor

      • Ok.. ci avevo sperato! 🙂

        Spero riusciate a supportare anche il Desire.. 😉

        Grazie mille comunque per il supporto!

  • ciao…sto girando un po per capire sta storia della miui sul desire… verranno fatte altre versioni o la 2.4.13 sara’ l ultima a supportare il desire???? c’e’ una versione 4.0 sviluppata x il desire???? grazie del supporto !

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