Rilasciata MIUI 2.4.13, changelog completo

Da Redazione

Anche questo venerdì è arrivata la nuova versione,  MIUI 2.4.13 è stata infatti pubblicata sul sito ufficiale, è già disponibile anche il lingua inglese grazie a e presto arriverà anche in versione italiana su MIUI Italia e Nexus Lab. Lo sviluppo delle versioni su base Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) prosegue senza sosta e, più avanti potrete leggere i changelog completi, mentre anche per questa settimana le versioni su base Gingerbread (Android 2.3) non riportano cambiamenti significativi.

CConstatiamo inoltre che, dopo la mancanza di aggiornamenti ufficiali per i terminali Nexus One nella precedente versione, questa settimana viene aggiornata anche la versione Stable 2.3.5 dedicata a MI-ONE, oltre alla relativa Developer di cui troverete tutti i dettagli qua sotto.

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Ed ora spazio ai changelog pubblicati direttamente su

MIUI 2.4.13 (Android 4.0)

[This week recommended]
– Add new version of WiFi and APN settings
– Add music player control of the status bar
– Optimization significantly improve SMS efficiency of the bulk delete and restore the backup data

– Optimize the interface restart after upgrade
– Fix the problem long press the Desktop button, the immediate tasks panel flash back

– Optimize the loading speed when the contacts for the first time entered
– Optimize the contact list, search style
– Optimize the contact search style
– Fix search contacts, enter a number to result in low search efficiency impact of the master list

– New issued to increase the time of received text messages in the SMS details
– Optimization significantly improve SMS bulk delete efficiency
– Optimize the efficiency of significantly improved SMS and restore the backup data
– Delete remove MMS layout editing slide

[Lockscreen, status bar, notification bar]
– Optimization of the new notification of the status bar to scroll the preview icon display
– Optimize click on the notification bar switch shutdown or restart notification bar away and displays the corresponding status
– Optimize click on the notification bar switch in shutdown, restart confirmation dialog style
– Optimize the the Variety lock screen efficiency and improve about 30%
– Repair status bar icon or operators information is not displayed
– Fix the lock screen in some cases the flashlight mistakenly open
– Delete the drop-down notification bar, status bar background flashing

– New part of the new version of the theme interface
– Optimize the theme to use the resource loading efficiency

– Optimize the recorded video is stored as a MP4 format
– Repair in protected mode, the lock screen to activate the camera led to FC
– Repair into the lock screen when the camera is activated, will still AF

– Added in accordance with the size and name, to display the size of the picture and name
– Add to join the 12 preset pictures and two preset screenshots
– New increase in the Atlas page show the number of pictures in each Atlas
– New collection Atlas, showing how to add to Favorites Atlas prompt
– Optimize click the Delete button pop-up confirmation boxes
– Optimize the save last visit of the type of atlas (collection of Atlas or Atlas)
– Optimize the Image details page, press the Menu key will exhale the action bar
– Optimize the double-click to enlarge the effect of photo details page
– Fix a single atlas page chaotic sort of problem
– Repair of a single atlas page in high resolution on the phone right drift
– Repair the image details page to delete the last picture can not slide
– Repair the album pages and photo details page to exit the edit mode, the screen flashes
– Repair from the camera into the gallery, slideshow lead to memory leaks
– Repair Details page click on sharing, menus automatically disappear after
– Repair Title gradient word occasionally vague
– Fix wrong time view photos details
– Repair Gallery no thumbnail
– Repair re-load when to return a list of Atlas Atlas

– Add support for wma format
– Add the status bar to support the playback controls
– Optimized wire priority policy
– Repair online music, song, single quotes, music player failed
– Repair edit mode, click the Play button operation error

– Optimization add location? Search, increase in the geographical location of the back of an administrative region in the display

– Optimize the new version of WiFi settings
– Optimize the access point name (APN) settings logic

[System update]
– Repair system update running in the background, process management to clear, resulting in the need to re-upgrade

[File Manager]
– Optimize the apk classification, if the apk is not installed, still support the extract icon

[LED lights]
– Optimize the color and blink rate setting

[Alarm clock]
– Add text to remind the new timer is not set
– Optimize the timer and stopwatch button text is not centered
– Optimization of new alarm clock, the time defaults to the current point in time
– Optimize the alarm clock memory footprint
– Repair timer countdown, the countdown circle jitter
– Repair show the incompatibility problems
– Repair a Force Quit to go back to reset the timer count is not cleared the problem
– Repair due to the different resolution of the display mangled
– Editing alarm clock has been repaired, the tone is set to “no” and then back to lead the FC

MIUI 2.4.13 (Android 4.0, MI-ONE only)

[This week recommended]

– Add new version of WiFi and APN settings
– Optimization significantly improve SMS efficiency of the bulk delete and restore the backup data

– Optimize the interface restart after upgrade
– Fix the problem long press the Desktop button, the immediate tasks panel flash back

– Optimize the loading speed when the contacts for the first time entered
– Optimize the contact list, search style
– Optimize the contact search style
– Fix search contacts, enter a number to result in low search efficiency impact of the master list

– New issued to increase the time of received text messages in the SMS details
– Optimization significantly improve SMS bulk delete efficiency
– Optimize the efficiency of significantly improved SMS and restore the backup data
– Delete remove MMS layout editing slide

[Lockscreen, status bar, notification bar]
– Optimization of the new notification of the status bar to scroll the preview icon display
– Optimize click on the notification bar switch shutdown or restart notification bar away and displays the corresponding status
– Optimize click on the notification bar switch in shutdown, restart confirmation dialog style
– Optimize the the Variety lock screen efficiency and improve about 30%
– Repair status bar icon or operators information is not displayed
– Delete the drop-down notification bar, status bar background flashing

– New part of the new version of the theme interface
– Optimize the theme to use the resource loading efficiency

– Optimize the recorded video is stored as a MP4 format
– Repair in protected mode, the lock screen to activate the camera led to FC
– Repair into the lock screen when the camera is activated, will still AF

– Added in accordance with the size and name, to display the size of the picture and name
– Add to join the 12 preset pictures and two preset screenshots
– New increase in the Atlas page show the number of pictures in each Atlas
– New collection Atlas, showing how to add to Favorites Atlas prompt
– Optimize click the Delete button pop-up confirmation boxes
– Optimize the save last visit of the type of atlas (collection of Atlas or Atlas)
– Optimize the Image details page, press the Menu key will exhale the action bar
– Optimize the double-click to enlarge the effect of photo details page
– Fix a single atlas page chaotic sort of problem
– Repair the image details page to delete the last picture can not slide
– Repair the album pages and photo details page to exit the edit mode, the screen flashes
– Repair from the camera into the gallery, slideshow lead to memory leaks
– Repair Details page click on sharing, menus automatically disappear after
– Repair Title gradient word occasionally vague
– Fix wrong time view photos details
– Repair re-load when to return a list of Atlas Atlas

– Add the status bar to support the playback controls
– Optimized wire priority policy
– Repair online music, song, single quotes, music player failed
– Repair edit mode, click the Play button operation error

– Optimization add location? Search, increase in the geographical location of the back of an administrative region in the display

– Optimize the new version of WiFi settings
– Optimize the access point name (APN) settings logic

[System update]
– Repair system update running in the background, process management to clear, resulting in the need to re-upgrade

[File Manager]
– Optimize the apk classification, if the apk is not installed, still support the extract icon

[LED lights]
– Optimize the color and blink rate setting

[Alarm clock]
– Add text to remind the new timer is not set
– Optimize the timer and stopwatch button text is not centered
– Optimization of new alarm clock, the time defaults to the current point in time
– Optimize the alarm clock memory footprint
– Repair timer countdown, the countdown circle jitter
– Repair a Force Quit to go back to reset the timer count is not cleared the problem
– Editing alarm clock has been repaired, the tone is set to “no” and then back to lead the FC

MIUI 2.3.5 Stable (Android 2.3.5, MI-ONE only)


– Repair some of the charger is connected, the touch screen inaccurate report points

– Repair some cases, the handset continuous playback tone

– Repair some cases, the theme update failed

Pubblicato su Nexus Lab

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20 commenti
    • Anche a me stesso problema con gli sms e GS2, per inviarli devo selezionare prima il contatto dalla rubrica. Se apro l’app degli sms va in errore

    • …a me invece questa versione mi ha bloccato il cell dovrò reinstallare la rom con odin purtroppo….in tanti aggiornamenti non era mau successo…

    • Devi fare il rooting, una volta abilitati i permessi di root installi una custom recovery e poi procedi con l’installazione di MIUI e Italian Pack

  • …volevo cambiare kernel per abilitare il bln, ma con questa versione come c’è una chiamata persa si riavvia sia con il matrix che con airkernel
    (ho un nexus s)

  • non mi sono spiegato bene prima, io ho un sgs1 aggiornato ad ics 4.0.3, posso installare una miui rom? e davvero deludente la rom ics

    • ICS non nasce per quel dispositivo ma sono stati effettuati solo dei porting, non sono bene informato per quanto riguarda la miui perche sono appena 2 settimane che sono entrato in questa nuova rom, pero per quelli che so non ce una miui ics per sgs1

  • Sono molto deluso.
    Avevo galaxy s i9003 e poiche’ montavo un porting del miui che funzionava perefettamente a parte la registrazione video ho deciso di comprare l’s2 che risultava pienamente compatibile.
    Ma ogni versione ha sempre qualche bug grave! Io sono partito dalla 2.3.16 che aveva il bug della torcia che si bloccava dalla lockscrenn rimanendo accesa e ad ogni aggiornamento si aggiungeva almeno un altro bug grave.In quest’ultima gli sms e a me non funziona il dizionario italiano usando la tastiera 4×3 (che amo).

    Non basterebbe testare piu’ a fondo e solo quando tutto perfettamente funzionante rilasciare la rom??? Sembriamo tanti beta testers!!!! 🙁

    • il mio gs2 va perfettamente senza alcun bug, assicurati di aver fatto un full wipe prima di installare la rom

  • ho il samsung g s2 cosa mi consigliate di installarlo questo aggiornamento ? grazie o aspettare ..

  • Continuano anche in questa versione i problemi con gli mms, mi risulta possibile inviarli e riceverli solo sotto wifi.
    Operatore wind
    Kernel Syiah 3.1 rc2

    • quando li ricevi rinomina l’apn di internet (basta che aggiungi qlk letterla all’inizio) aspetti un po e riscarica l’mms, a me col nexus s funziona!

  • Io uso un LG optimus Dual.
    Aspetto sempre che venga rilasciato il pack della lingua italiana prima di installarlo sul mio LG, in fondo mi ritengo soddisfatto delle Rom di MIUI, personalmente il problema più grave che ho riscontrato è che i video con You Tube non si aprono, le ho provate tutte ma ancora nulla! comunque un Buon lavoro agli sviluppatori e Grazie

  • Problema con Milestone 1, il layout della tastiera fisica è inglese (i tasti alt+ non corrispondono a ciò che c’è scritto) soluzioni? grazie

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