Rilasciata MIUI 2.5.18, changelog completo

Da Redazione

Il team di sviluppatori cinesi è pronto anche questa settimana per il rilascio di una nuova versione, con MIUI 2.5.18 prosegue inarrestabilmente il progresso e l’evoluzione di una delle ROM Android più utilizzate ed apprezzate in tutto il mondo. Come potrete vedere più avanti anche in questa build i cambiamenti, i fix ed i miglioramenti sono davvero numerosi. Inoltre da questa settimana viene aggiunto anche HTC One X come terminale ufficialmente supportato.

Le versioni di saranno online entro breve (ottimizzate per la lingua inglese) e presto metteremo a disposizione, come sempre, i nostri pacchetti di aggiornamento per la traduzione italiana. A tale proposito vi anticipiamo che, dietro le quinte, stiamo lavorando ad una nuova versione multilanguage ufficiale che entro breve potrebbe diventare la versione universale per gli utenti delle vari nazioni. Le basi sono buone, un progetto non ufficiale è già in piedi e il team MIUI (che ha proposto questa nuova versione) ci fornirà presto indicazioni su come si dovrà proseguire. Ovviamente continueremo a tenervi al corrente di ogni novità in merito, quindi per restare sempre aggiornati sul mondo MIUI e Xiaomi ecco di seguito le fonti che mettiamo a vostra disposizione oltre  a Nexus Lab:

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Adesso passiamo rapidamente ai ricchi changelog pubblicati su, sia quello della versione 2.5.18 per i terminali che quello specifico per la 2.5.18 dedicata esclusivamente a MI-ONE.

MIUI 2.5.18 (Android 4.0)

[This week recommended]
– New contacts support to set the Caller ID
– New backup support for automatic local backup (the backup, press the Menu key -> set the automatic backup)
– New file manager search
– Add new APP switch animation, animation and APP within the interface switching
– Optimize the browser will search from the address bar spun off more easily switch search engines

– Optimized and improved a series of interactive details in the text editor (including the input box is empty when the click does not appear cursor, optimized double-click to select determine)
– Optimized text editor to select the copy operation
– Repair the volume keys wake up the problems caused by abnormal operating the

– Optimization call interface is too long name to display the segment portion of the changed interception
– Optimization of dial-up interface to modify the number, long press the Delete key to delete only the cursor before the number
– Optimize the call is not connected, call the green bar does not display the clock
– Three-way calling in the repair (CDMA) under certain circumstances lead to the FC
– Fix some cases, leave the call interface, the call can not be returned due to abnormal sensor feedback,
– Repair some cases, automatic IP prefix number is not displayed in the call interface
– Repair service numbers can not be identified with the area code in the dialing list
– Fix some models to make an emergency call in an emergency dial interface
– Repair click the call button to dial-up, end the call back to the desktop
– Repair (CDMA) call green call time display incorrect

– Added support to set up Caller ID (Edit Contact -> Edit Avatar)
– Optimization into the details page to view contacts, such as the name is too long to scroll
– Fix some cases, the search for a contact can not match the name of

– Fix new message can not be the issue of the number of search contacts
– Repair memory leaks lead to SMS slow in some cases or FC

[Lockscreen, status bar, notification bar]
– New entrance to the notification bar at the top to increase to the calendar (click on the upper left corner of the date of area) and set (single-page mode, click on the “switch” tab top right corner)
– Optimization screenshots notification no longer display the extra icon on the right
– Repair the lock screen delay

– Add new APP switch animation, animation and APP within the interface switching

– Optimization to update the default theme preview
– Optimize the wallpaper support cutting
– Fix some cases repeated theme of the list page
– Repair ringtones audition process, switch to another page, the player still does not stop the problem
– Repair can not be separate application to the default theme of the status bar module
– Repair change the theme, long press the power button pop style reboot to take effect

– Optimization invoked by other applications, the camera results interface details
– Repair shutter zero delay mode, the flash is set incorrectly lead to stuck
– Repair to select a specific scene, switch application state of the flash button the wrong question
– Repair shutter zero-latency mode, describing the error image size (800 000 pixels)
– Fix the call of the other applications, the camera results page can still click to display the focus frame

– Added support for setting the lock screen wallpaper
– Repair continue to decode the size of 0 bytes Image

– Currently open music player control to optimize the use of wire, rather than transfer from the system music player
– Repair play record is not saved
– Repair 4×4 Desktop Gadgets are sometimes not refresh

– Add support to set up automatic local backup (see Menu -> Settings)
– Fix some cases to restore the desktop can not correctly display the third-party programs, desktop gadgets

– Optimization mute, volume control panel volume indicative

[File Manager]
– New search function, (menu exhaled)
– Optimized to enhance the classification page loading speed
– Repair the file in the Select list, the more options there are still all selected

[Download Management]
– Closed to optimize download, download status display incorrect
– Repair data breakpoints can not resume the connection
– Repair push the download from the PC to complete the download is complete, the state
– Repair some cases, bulk download lead FC,

– Optimization in the address bar search function split, more convenient to switch search engines
– Optimize the tab to switch to not block the bottom toolbar
– Optimized video playback in the browser control panel
– Open a new page will be flashing repair at night mode

[Alarm clock]
– Repair edit mode cross slip, there is no exit edit mode
– Fix the new alarm clock in some cases does not automatically enable
– Repair One X models stopwatch interface dislocation

MIUI 2.5.18 (Android 4.0, MI-ONE only)

[This week recommended]
– New contacts support to set the Caller ID
– New backup support for automatic local backup (the backup, press the Menu key -> set the automatic backup)
– New file manager search
– Add new APP switch animation, animation and APP within the interface switching
– Optimize the browser will search from the address bar spun off more easily switch search engines

– Optimized and improved a series of interactive details in the text editor (including the input box is empty when the click does not appear cursor, optimized double-click to select determine)
– Optimized text editor to select the copy operation
– Repair the volume keys wake up the problems caused by abnormal operating the

– Optimization call interface is too long name to display the segment portion of the changed interception
– Optimization of dial-up interface to modify the number, long press the Delete key to delete only the cursor before the number
– Optimize the call is not connected, call the green bar does not display the clock
– Three-way calling in the repair (CDMA) under certain circumstances lead to the FC
– Fix some cases, leave the call interface, the call can not be returned due to abnormal sensor feedback,
– Repair some cases, automatic IP prefix number is not displayed in the call interface
– Repair service numbers can not be identified with the area code in the dialing list
– Repair click the call button to dial-up, end the call back to the desktop
– Repair (CDMA) call green call time display incorrect

– Added support to set up Caller ID (Edit Contact -> Edit Avatar)
– Optimization into the details page to view contacts, such as the name is too long to scroll
– Fix some cases, the search for a contact can not match the name of

– Fix new message can not be the issue of the number of search contacts
– Repair memory leaks lead to SMS slow in some cases or FC

[Lockscreen, status bar, notification bar]
– New entrance to the notification bar at the top to increase to the calendar (click on the upper left corner of the date of area) and set (single-page mode, click on the “switch” tab top right corner)
– Optimization screenshots notification no longer display the extra icon on the right
– Repair the lock screen delay

Add new APP switch animation, animation and APP within the interface switching

– Optimization to update the default theme preview
– Optimize the wallpaper support cutting
– Fix some cases repeated theme of the list page
– Repair ringtones audition process, switch to another page, the player still does not stop the problems
– Repair can not be separate application to the default theme of the status bar module
– Repair change the theme, long press the power button pop style reboot to take effect

– Optimization invoked by other applications, the camera results interface details
– Repair shutter zero delay mode, the flash is set incorrectly lead to stuck
– Repair to select a specific scene, switch application state of the flash button the wrong question
– Repair shutter zero-latency mode, the description of the error image size (800 000 pixels)
– Fix the call of the other applications, the camera results page can still click to display the focus frame

– Added support for setting the lock screen wallpaper
– Repair continue to decode the size of 0 bytes Image

– Repair play records saved
– Repair 4×4 Desktop Gadgets are sometimes not refresh

– Add support to set up automatic local backup (see Menu -> Settings)
– Fix some cases to restore the desktop can not correctly display the third-party programs, desktop gadgets

– Optimization mute, volume control panel volume indicative

[File Manager]
– New search function, (menu exhaled)
– Optimized to enhance the classification page loading speed
– Repair the file in the Select list, the more options there are still all selected

[Download Management]
– Closed to optimize download, download status display incorrect
– Repair data breakpoints can not resume the connection
– Repair push the download from the PC to complete the download is complete, the state
– Repair some cases, bulk download lead FC,

– Optimization in the address bar search function split, more convenient to switch search engines
– Optimize the tab to switch to not block the bottom toolbar
– Optimized video playback in the browser control panel
– Open a new page will be flashing repair at night mode

[Alarm clock]
– Repair edit mode cross slip, there is no exit edit mode
– Fix the new alarm clock in some cases does not automatically enable


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8 commenti
  • Scusate ma sapete se ci sarà una Miui anche per il Zazr? Prima avevo un Galaxy s2 dove avevo Miui e mi trovavo benissimo e adesso ne ho già cambiate 10 sul Zazr ma nessuna mi soddisfa come Miui… 🙁

  • Salve mi rivolgo a voi che sicuramente siete meglio informati di me…
    Qualcuno sa se i beneamati cinesi si stanno muovendo x portare ics sul defy?
    Non vorrei dover abbandonare questo gioiello di rom per passare alla cyano9…mi dispiacerebbe un casino.Spero che qualcuno di voi possa tranquillizzarmi o per lo meno chiarire i miei dubbi ma almeno una risposta.Grazie!

    • Salve ma se installo 2.5.18 sul mio arc s, la lingua italiana e gia inclusa oppure si deve attendere anche il pack della lingua italiana.

  • Ciao ragazzi, l’app di ICS mi ha fatto scaricare la versione 2.5.19 (ho il galaxy S) ! Non l’ho ancora installata, posso
    ? è compatibile con il mio cell ?

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