Rilasciata MIUI 3.5.31, anche per Galaxy Nexus ! Changelog e video

Da Redazione

Buon Orange Friday a tutti gli amici di MIUI Italia specialmente ai possessori di Galaxy Nexus ! Come da titolo finalmente quest’oggi è stata rilasciata ufficialmente anche la versione per questo terminale, tanto richiesta e richiesta dagli utenti, in occasione del consueto appuntamento settimanale. Siamo quindi pronti per presentarvi MIUI 3.5.31, ultima versione della linea Developer di questa ROM che porta con sè un gran numero di modifiche ed alcune novità, andiamo quindi a vedere intanto quali sono le features in evidenza per questa settimana.

La prima novità è rappresentata dalla nuova interfaccia di gestione delle finestre nel Browser e dall’introduzione della Modalità Notte sempre nello stesso, troveremo anche una serie di modifiche dell’ applicazione Musica oltre che l’implementazione di una muova applicazione di sistema, ovvero uno scanner QR Code integrato nella fotocamera. Per tutte le altre novità vi consigliamo caldamente di dare uno sguardo attento al chengelog integrale che riportiamo di seguito, subito dopo il video degli highlight di questa MIUI 3.5.31.

1. Nuova interfaccia di gestione delle finestre e Modalità Notte nel Browser

2. Nuove modifiche dell’applicazione Musica

3. Aggiunto scanner QR Code all’interno della Fotocamera

Fix – Google Calendar synchronisation failure
Fix – In some cases, uninstalling application causes system to reboot
Fix – In “Call Recording” settings, when the recording time of specified recording number is over 10 hours, long press on the list will cause app flash back
Fix – When answering the phone in mute mode (non-vibrating), the phone will be muted with vibration
Fix – During call, talk time display in the notification bar displays incorrectly
Fix – In the pop-up dialog after adding contacts to the blacklist, pressing the ‘Back’ button does not exit the current interface
New – Added support for filtering call log for “New Contact”
Optimisation – Redesign page for unknown contacts (05-27)
Optimisation – Support number selection when group sending messages
Optimisation – When selecting phone number to send text messages, the “default” number of multi-number contacts will be prompted (If it was set before)
Optimisation – After exporting contacts to SIM card, export summary will be displayed
Optimisation – In the “New Contact” page, current account will be highlighted while selecting
Optimisation – Support for syncing cloud large picture for google contacts
Fix – Clicking call recording in call log or notes may cause flash back problems
Fix – Avatar inconsistencies for merged contacts in Details and Edit pages
Fix – Clicking ‘Cancel’ or ‘Back’ button in the edit avatar interface opens contact edit page
Fix – Clicking search box does not open search mode
Fix – Clicking on the Return button in groups does not return to the group list
Fix – In some cases, call recordings do not display in the contact call log
Fix – The progress bar shows incorrectly when exporting contacts to SIM card
Fix – Entering only a partial number returns no search results
New – Third-party themes can choose whether to use Fancy icons
New – Added support for QR code scanning
Fix – When entering Camera from Contacts, the skin adjustment button and flashlight button may overlap
Fix – Videos cannot be sent via Bluetooth from Camera app
New – Added quick scrollbar in Cloud Albums
Optimisation – Reduced the chance of no thumbnails when viewing large image
Fix – In local albums when multi-selecting a large number of photos to delete, the delete confirmation box does not respond quickly
Fix – Uploaded pictures thumbnail size conversion error in Cloud Albums
Fix – In some cases, opening the GIF format images may cause gallery to stop running
New – Music UI redesigned and improved
New – Animation effects when number of new window increases
New – Animation effects for creating and closing windows
New – Sliding from the edge to the centre of the screen allows for quickly switching windows
New – Added prompt when accessing insecure URLs
Optimisation – Network error page
Optimisation – Display effect of the link response area in a page
Optimisation – Bottom toolbar height adjustment
Optimisation – New window management interface
Optimisation – New night mode effects
Optimisation – Reading mode visual adjustment
Optimisation – Automatically add mail header when sending mail
New – Local videos can be hidden

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