Rilasciata MIUI 3.8.2, changelog e video

Da Redazione

Bentrovati per la nuova versione settimanale, con questa MIUI 3.8.2 appena rilasciata inauguriamo il mese di Agosto e lo facciamo davvero nel migliore dei modi, con un changelog molto interessante, varie novità inserite all’interno della ROM e, come sempre, una grande quantità di fix e ottimizzazioni. I nostri amici sviluppatori sono un team veramente inarrestabile, non smetteremo mai di ringraziarli per questo lavoro sempre più sorprendente e così continuativo.

Andiamo rapidamente a vedere quali sono le funzioni in evidenza di quest’ultima release. Sono stati aggiunti dei collegamenti veloci nella barra di indirizzo all’interno del browser, che permetteranno una rapida gestione dei propri segnalibri. Sempre all’interno dell’applicazione Browser troviamo l’inserimento del campo di ricerca per il tab dei Link veloci (Hot sites). Infine viene inserita la funzione Anti-disturbo direttamente nei setting, con una serie di modifiche ed ottimizzazioni che troverete riportate all’interno del changelog integrale (grazie a MarkHUK per la traduzione inglese) che vi mostreremo subito dopo il video di rilascio di questa settimana.

MIUI ROM 3.8.2


1. Added shortcuts to the address bar in Browser
2. Added search box on “Hot sites” page for quick access in Browser
3. Added “Do not disturb” in Settings

Full Changelog

New – Added “Do not disturb” in Settings
Fix – Bluetooth connection causes the system to reboots
Optimization- When airplane mode is turned on, SIM card management is disabled

Fix – Dialing numbers without SIM card causes FC error

Optimization – Support removing numbers from the blacklist

Fix – Downloading MMS might cause reboot

[Lock screen, status bar, notification bar]
Optimization – Improved HD battery icon in status bar
Optimization – Improved password security prompt mechanism for lockscreen
Fix – When turning the screen on again, keyboard lock time will be re-calculated

Optimization – Improved animation and efficiency of the dock
Optimization – Improved English translation of some entries
Fix – In a new screen, shortcut cannot be added via menu button
Fix – After applying some themes, icons on the dock are not centered
Fix – Dragging 4×4 music widget might lead to laucher FC
Fix – In some cases, installing an application leads launcher to exit
Fix – In some cases, the buttom bar of adding widgets appears in the desktop thumbnails

New – Added support for more filter effects
New – Added support for clicking banner picture to redirect to web pages
New – Added support for theme events reminders in notification bar
New – Added support for incremental update of themes
Optimization – While deleting local theme packages, other operations are allowed
Optimization – Enhanced the speed of applying themes
Fix – In some cases, theme import might cause FC
Fix – Switching between “local” and “online” tabs might result in Themes app FC
Fix – One theme package can be imported repeatedly
Fix – In some cases, Themes app does not response

New – Added file instructions in file path browse mode
Fix – Failed to delete folders containing subfolders in file path browse mode
Fix – Images without suffix cannot be opened
Fix – When sending images to cloud album, “Back” button on cloud album page does not work
Fix – After setting password protection for Gallery, opening images from File Explorer might cause FC
Fix – Bright lines may appear at the bottom of the homepage of Gallery

New – Added WIFI automatic connection settings
New – Added public WIFI password sharing function
New – Added support for sharing WIFI password via QR code
Optimization – Changed the order of airplane mode and dual card management

Fix – When sending contacts to email, the recipient address is displayed incorrectly

New – New revision of read mode, you can now adjust the theme and use night mode
New – Added shortcuts to the address bar
New – Added search box on “Hot sites” page for quick access

[Security center]
Optimization – Improved the display style of blocked messages in Antispam
Optimization – Simplified the process of manually adding numbers to the blacklist Antispam
Fix – Blocked messages can be restored to normal messages

Three Major Changes of AntiSpam
1. The blocked messages are moved to Message app, and can be read as the unblocked ones. Blocked MMS can be manually downloaded.
2. The AntiSpam page may seem to be the same as before, but it’s completely altered inside. Now you can add/remove someone into/from the blacklist more quickly, and you’ll see if you’ve read the blocked messages or not… And there’s more for you to find out.
3. The blocking rule was not very clear before, and this time the developers simplified the rules to let Do not disturbmode and Blacklist jointly handle incoming calls and messages.

Do not disturb mode
After enabling “Do not disturb”, instead of ringing or vibrating, your phone will still be locked and unawakened for incoming calls and messages.
You can find it in Complete settings-Personal. You can set a time for the function to automatically start or stop. And you can set a list of those whose calls and messages will not be blocked in this mode.

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