Rilasciate MIUI 2.1.20 Developer e 2.3.7c Stable, changelog completi

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Nuovo venerdì e nuovo appuntamento con le novità per questa seguitissima ROM, oggi il team cinese rilascia MIUI 2.1.20, MIUI 2.3.7c e MIUI 2.3.5k. Cosa rappresentano tutte queste versioni e quale dovrete scaricare per poter avere MIUI sul vostro terminale ? Se vi state ponendo queste domande non temete, siamo qui esattamente per chiarirvi le idee ed aiutarvi a districarvi nella piccola frammentazione che si sta venendo a creare, fenomeno dovuto alla crescita nel tempo del numero di device supportati, alle linee di sviluppo Developer e Stable, nonchè al recente passaggio 8ancora in corso) alla nuova base Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.

Iniziamo la nostra breve sintesi con il ripasso della distinzione della linea di sviluppo Developer, con rilascio settimanale, che rappresenta la versione della ROM  più sperimentale ed aggiornata con nuove features, mentre la cosiddetta Stable, il cui rilascio è a cadenza mensile (salvo eccezioni o ritardi) rappresenta la versione stabile, maggiormente testata e più adatta ad un uso quotidiano anche se la Developer, specialmente negli ultimi tempi, non creai grossi problemi.

In particolare questa settimana gli sviluppatori cinesi hanno rilasciato:

MIUI 2.1.20 Developer: su base Android 2.3.7, disponibile per tutti i terminali ufficialmente supportati ad eccezione del Nexus S

MIUI 2.1.20 Developer: su base Android 4.0.3, al momento disponibile solo per Nexus S

MIUI 2.3.7c Stable: su base Android 2.3.7, disponibile per Desire, Defy, Milestone, Galaxy S, Desire HD, HD 2 e Nexus S

MIUI 2.3.5k Stable: su base Android 2.3.5, disponibile solo per MI-ONE

Al più presto rilasceremo i relativi Italian Pack per poter usufruire delle ultimissime versioni di MIUI completamente in italiano. Vi ricordiamo che per avere tutte le news in tempo reale su MIUI e Xiaomi MI-ONE potete seguirci anche qui:

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Di seguito vi riportiamo i changelog ufficiali pubblicati su relativi alle nuove versioni rilasciate quest’oggi.

Changelog MIUI 2.1.20 Developer (Android 2.3.7)

– Some cases, repair will be repeated regularly send MMS problem
– Repair time will be treated as ordinary MMS MMS problem
– Repair time will become a draft text of the problem in 1970

Changelog MIUI 2.1.20 Developer (Android 4.0.3, for Nexus S only)

Recommended this week:
1. New visitor mode support password
2. New dial-up interface using T9 search, the results support the telephone service providers show

– New dial-up interface using T9 search, the results support the display telephone service providers (such as type 9555, matching the bank will contact the following telephone and other services)

– Added support to restore reminder notes

Access restricted:
– New visitor mode support password

MIUI 2.3.7c Stable (Android 2.3.7, Desire, Defy, Milestone, Galaxy S, Desire HD, HD 2, Nexus S)

– New MIUI Forum attachment support push to the phone to download (login Xiaomi account)
– Added support for the power button to respond to alarm operation (according to their own alarm clock is set to turn off the alarm sound or later)
– There optimization guide novice when prompted, click the menu button will turn off the prompt in order to avoid interference with operation
– Optimized set the alarm, the process was forced to stop (press Back, Task Manager forced to stop, etc.), alarm will still sound
– Optimization to modify the system default alarm (force required to wipe data)
– In some cases repair, delete, send notice of the application is being led to the phone restart problem
– In the third-party applications can not repair the volume keys to adjust the system through the ring of the problem
– Repair change the theme in some cases the problem garbled after
– Press the home button repair, exhaled recent duplication of the task icon
– Repair in the alarm setting alarm music is not effective to modify the problem
– Some cases, open repair time synchronization switch, but time does not sync problem

– Add a recording end of the notice of switch
– Call attribution to optimize the support off (see phone settings)
– Hang up the phone and animation optimization tips
– Repair some of the case the first time you start the program will call the problem of FC
– Fix some cases the call does not stop after the automatic recording problem
– Repair the flight mode switch in some cases the problem is not in force

– Added support for copy numbers of strangers details page
– Set clear contact contact support new data
– Optimize the contact details page support sending strange numbers
– Import contacts in vCard optimized background

– Added support WAP PUSH SMS
– Add new Advanced Settings WAP PUSH receiving switch
– Additional time to send SMS
– Optimization of new messages through the upper right corner of contacts choose add recipient, the pop-up input method does not directly
– Repair to restore MMS backup, MMS will count the existing problems
– Chinese attachment names repair the problem can not be saved
– Repair phone number reported in repeat the slide show is not the right questions
– WAP PUSH repair some cases the problem is garbled
– There are repair MMS or download button to download the MMS collection, the problem does not occur icon collection

Lockscreen, status bar, notification board:
– New Variety lock screen display data to support third-party applications query parameters and dependencies
– Added support for the return key and press the unlock volume on the default lock screen
– Add notification screenshot shortcut bar, click on the notification bar away and after screenshots (notification bar can be customized to adjust the position switch)
– Added support for string operations Variety lock screen (compare, select, stitching, etc.)
– New full-screen mode, supports drop-down notification bar
– New notification bar fast synchronous switch (automatic sync settings and display the current synchronization status, click the trigger synchronization, press and change synchronization settings)
– Lock screen with amazing support to optimize display digital pictures
— Optimization Variety lock screen shows a content provider to support the application of information, such as notes, calendar, mail, etc.
– Optimization Variety upgrade to 2.0 lock screen. Optimize the application of information display (content provider), add more logic to select the function (see Forum Tutorial)
– Variety optimized digital lock screen image shows the way with a convenient source of animation production and to support the picture
– Lock screen call optimization strategy to answer the phone to avoid the impact of operating in lock screen
– Lock screen when the screen turn off optimization strategy, to avoid inadvertently causes the screen lit
– Lunar Variety lock screen repair information are not displayed
– Repair Variety lock screen does not display the number of unread messages problem

– Repair kit SIM card icon and other icons overlap problem
– The repair folder named Pure Digital, the folder are not displayed
– Repair folder icons disappear after update problem

Theme Manager:
– Optimize the application of the subject if you include the font will be prompted to restart the phone in case of garbage can be resolved
– Optimize the default boot does not play music, you can choose to set (see theme style -> Change the local style -> Power Music)
– Repair a variety of ring tones through the system sound settings to “no” when the problem leading to FC
– Repair into the ring selection list, set the tone does not display the current issue
– Repair using a theme style, open, close, leading to FC USB data storage problems
– Repair replacement of the lock screen style, “including supporting wallpaper” option displays the wrong question

– Repair using the camera in some cases lead to problems Huaping
– Repair mute camera, cause the system to set the “silent vibration when the” switch was closed problems
– Repair time photographs (EXIF information) eight-hour difference problem
– Repair kernel does not support photo effects lead to FC problems
– Repair fix problem error performance status
– Fix “reduce flicker” setting in the camera mode, the problem does not effect

– Optimize the performance of the video thumbnail to load
– Optimized details page to view EXIF ​​picture information display first time in the camera
– Optimize the SD Card tab displays a list of pictures, the picture 24-hour clock time
– Optimization by Gallery select a contact picture, the filter out video, only pictures
– Optimized by the SD card tab choose wallpaper, filter out the video, only pictures
– Optimization of multi-frame GIF animation, you can play all frames
– Optimized to support the GIF image playback illegal (such as suffix. Jpg dynamic map)
– Optimizing animated GIF images full-screen playback support
– Paddling view pictures repair process, the second switch to the gif image animation when the problem can not be
– Fix some cases, by setting clear gallery thumbnail cache does not force the issue
– Fix some cases, third-party applications through the picture gallery selection problems resulting FC
– Fix third-party program to open the problem of illegal images lead to FC
– Repair to save MMS attachments when using GIF. Jpg extension lead to the problem can only display the first frame
– Repair in some cases lead to FC due to insufficient memory problems

– Optimization of wma, ape encoding formats, playing cards to solve some cases the problem can not be played or Dayton
– Support plug-in model to optimize online music, can easily switch the data source, enhanced stability
– Repair the file name with a punctuation problem can not play audio files
– Quick fix in the music press to return control interface, the menu displays the wrong question
– Fixes can not automatically download lyrics matching problem
– Fixes can not automatically download album art problem

– Added support for local backup MMS
– Added support for local backup and recovery (2.3-compatible backup data)
– Optimize the sound back up the logic of the current topic
– Optimization Tips for online backup returns the error text
– Fix some cases online backup set is unsuccessful WiFi problems
– Repair due to lack of executive authority to restore some applications cause problems after the FC

– Optimization of weather icons
– Weather update server optimization
– If you see around the city when the repair is only one city will not display the temperature problem
– Click on the desktop weather gadget repair a city name, do not get the latest weather data issues
– Repair in some cases updated weather data, date the wrong question

– Optimization settings in the search, support for partial matches keyword search
– Optimize Open the “charge to keep waking up” when prompted to switch
– Optimize the set ring tone selection directly into the system interface can be selected from the bottom of the use of other APP
– Repair program and then turn off the Bluetooth is turned on, connected and paired devices are not displayed

Supermarket Application:
– Add new user information page refresh
– After downloading the application to optimize the installation is complete, install the package automatically deleted to save system space
– Optimization between the client and server-side version of the data transfer, low version of the installation package to avoid download problems
– Essential to optimize installed in “Install” and “Select package” button to show the logic
– Optimization “installed must have” under the label classification, support view and select all away to start the classification
– Optimization of the “install” page to increase loading state
– Fix some cases, some software does not prompt update problem

System Update:
– Automatically sign copy ranking optimization, and better support for multi-language display
– Optimize updates to streamline the notification bar, repeated by the two notice before a streamline

Download Management:
– Optimization of the WLAN only to download off the prompt mode, optimized for the prompt pop
– Show all downloads optimization tasks
– Optimize the download time if you enter the state of the lock screen, lock WiFi to avoid sleep

– Optimization significantly improved page zoom fluency
– Optimize the default navigation page, switch to three-screen landscape layout, in order to obtain more display space
– Optimize the default navigation page background and color theme support system
– Quick access to the first screen to optimize the two-state effect site thumbnails
– Flash website optimization to click after the show, to enhance the page rendering speed
– Optimize the browser html5 video playback, hide the status bar
– Optimize the return key when browsing the web by the control flow
– Download the file naming strategy to optimize
– Download the file when prompted repeated optimization
– Repair the leak problem accessing the database
– Repair abnormal exit pages long visit to the problems
– Restoration from Jingdong Mall’s Web site to access the problem can not be opened
– Repair in some cases access will be messy problem

FM Radio:
– Repair when putting a new notice will cause the sound to cut to the headphone playback problems
– The repair switch following the FM button is pressed, the button pops the question
– Repair does not use the radio to play music, media keys respond to the wrong question
– Repair times when listening to FM dial, the call will be a silent problem

– Added support for intercepting MMS wap push

– By flashlight long after the repair interface let go, jump switch problem

– Precision floating point calculator repair problems

Changelog MIUI 2.3.5k Stable (Android 2.3.5, for MI-ONE only)

Recommended this week:
1. Added Note: After updating to this version, do not fall back to the old version. Otherwise, messages may be lost, the system can not start problems
2. The new version has been opened to upgrade the alarm will be turned off, please re-open

– New update to version 1.1.0 Recovery
– Optimize the lock screen mode download, wifi into low-speed mode to avoid
– Optimal adjustment of the system startup process in the brightness of the backlight
– Fix update of power system low-power strategy, turn off the second processor, CPU and GPU down-
– Repair can not set a default alarm application issues alarm
– Fix some cases, PM chip cause the system to restart problem
– Fix the current time is January 1, 1970 automatically synchronize the time when the problem is not working
– CIT in the repair, MIC MIC test sequence test is not the case supporting the right questions
– Repair CIT tests, auxiliary MIC function can not return to normal problems

– Optimize call handling interface (add animation and slide tips reject prompt)
– Repair in some cases forced to close call recording problems
– Repair using Unicom 116,114 emergency calls FC problems

– Add new empty contact data options
– Optimization vcard import and export, import and export faster

– Added support regularly send text messages
– Improved optimization of time to describe the regular SMS
– Repair cancel timer settings lead to FC problems
– Repair time mass text messages a number of issues
– Repair time will be sent twice MMS problem
– Repair time will be treated as ordinary MMS MMS problem

Lockscreen, status bar, notification board:
– New Variety lock screen allows you to define the intermediate variables and array variables
– Added support for full screen drop-down notification bar
– Optimization of fast synchronous switch notification bar (shows the current status of automatic synchronization settings and synchronization, click the trigger synchronization, press and change synchronization settings)

– Optimized to reduce the sharpness under normal light

– Fix some cases due to insufficient memory problem of collapse Gallery
– Normal playback can repair the gallery full-screen (480 * 854) of the A-GIF image

– New lyrics plugin framework for reconstruction and increase online music plug-in
– Repair recording and playback simultaneously, use the handset instead of putting

Supermarket Application:
– Find some app update fixes a bug

– Optimization MIUI home page content from the far right of access to the most common history
– Repair access the mobile version of Baidu ( by the GB2312 character encoding to UTF-8

FM Radio:
– Repair the radio and receive calls may be no sound problem

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32 commenti
  • Cioè fatemi capire la versione developer 2.3.7 e percio’ per galaxy s2 ha un changelog solo per gli sms??
    Mi puo’ dare qualcuno per favore, il link dove riportare eventuali bug riscontrati? Grazie

  • scusate ma il famoso italian pack per la versione ics del nexus s è uscita o ancora ci vorra del tempo?

  • Devi dare il tempo di crearlo…
    solitamente impiegano un paio di giorni
    quindi siediti e attendi 😀

    • altro che 2 gioni, è quasi un mese che stiamo aspettando per la traduzione della miui ICS x Nexus S

  • Sarebbe bello implementare un task manager come quello dell’iphone che ti permetta di killare singolarmente un applicazione e non un app kill generale come è impostato ora…

    I task manager scaricati sono troppo invasivi secondo me.. serve qualcosa di base nel sistema

  • beh diciamo che non è un paio di giorni ma è da tempo che è uscito ics ma il pack italiano ancora niente…:)

  • A tutti coloro che aspettano l’Italian Pack ICS per Nexus S consiglio di seguirci anche sui social network (Twitter, Facebook e Google+), dove forniamo continuamente informazioni aggiornate sullo stato di avanzamento del pack in questione. Attualmente siamo quasi pronti per il testing, la maggior parte del lavoro è stato completato ma resta ancora un problema con il framework, appena risolto quello faremo alcuni test e pubblicheremo il pack 🙂

  • salve a tutti, è stato aggiunto il supporto per il defy+?

    soprattutto per il problema della batteria…

  • Ma per le segnalazioni bug posso usare il vs forum e devo segnalare sulla fanpage cinese ufficiale su fb?

    • Intendevo o devo segnalare ovviamente 🙂 cioè voi le segnalazioni bug le girate ai cinesi o nel vs forum tenete conto solo dei bug sulla traduzione?

      • Sul nostro forum ci occupiamo direttamente dei problemi relativi all’Italian Pack e dell’adattamento italiano, per i bug che sono con certezza da attribuire alla ROM è meglio segnalare direttamente al team cinese su o sulla pagina facebook

  • A quando un italian pack per le versioni stabili? credo che fino ad ora ne abbiate fatto uno solo…..
    personalmente al momento preferirei utilizzare miui 2.3.7 stabile che miui ics (che non mi soddisfa ancora)

  • Quandop è prevista l’uscita dell’italian pack ! Da un primo acchitto mi sembra che invece di andare avanti si torna indietro.

  • Che Kernel monta questo aggiornamento ? Come massimo ho 1000 Mhz e come minimo 216 ! Lo standard a 245 non esiste più ?

  • Scusate ma la versione stabile per nexsus s
    cioe’ la 2.3.7c quando esce?
    La versione cinese c’e’ gia’.

  • Ciao a tutti,
    vorrei aggiornare la mia attuale miui alla 2.3.7c stable, ma dove trovo l’italian pack per questa versione?

  • Ho letto un comunicato dove gli sviluppatori si scusano per il mancato aggiornamento della scorsa settimana ! Io penso che questa MIUI la stiano un pò accantonando !

    • Non credo sia in programma una versione di MIUI per questo terminale, non mi sembra esistano neanche portings non ufficiali, sorry.

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