No, nessun segnale da LoXaR almeno da quanto so io
Appena la trovo la posto, come l'altra
[Lockscreen, Status Bar, Notification Bar]
Fix - Viewing Daily lock screens sometimes led to black screen (02-23)
Big change in installation process of our ROMs (Must read it, otherwise you will cry on forum here and we will dont care):
- Xiaomi forced us to generate own keys for signing ROMs if we want continue to use their OTA service (again calling it "security improvement"). That means, our ROMs will not be possible to install via MiRecovery anymore (even on old devices like Mi2 or Redmi 1S) but only via TWRP/CWM...
- Our ROMs now contains TWRP which will install it automatically and overwrite your MiRecovery (If you still use it)
- For manual TWRP installation, we made a flashable ZIPs here so just install it via Updater up like any other update zip... (if it will fail, just unzip it and flash via Flashify app)
- Version 6.2.25 still can be installed via MiRecovery but it will overwrite it to TWRP
- Next versions will require TWRP for all devices.
Penso che sia il passo che aspettavano tutti quelli che hanno il bootloader bloccato.